Authors |
Koshevoy Oleg Sergeevich, Doctor of engineering sciences, professsor, sub-department of economics and finances, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Vorob'ev Vladimir Pavlovich, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department of public administration and regional sociology, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Nekrylova Nina Valer'evna, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economics and finances, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Opekunov Aleksey Nikolaevich, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economics and finances, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The situation on the educational services market is characterized by increased competition for potential applicants. Therefore, studies related to the motivation of applicants to choose a study major at a university are relevant. The purpose of the work is to identify the motives for choosing a study major by economic students upon admission to a regional university.
Materials and methods. As a research method, a questionnaire survey was chosen focused on second-year undergraduate students of Penza State University, studying at the following majors: “World economy”, “Finance and credit”, “Accounting, analysis and audit”, "Business Informatics". The total number of students was 82.
Results. A sociological portrait of a student is formulated for different training majors in the economic field and priorities for choosing a specific major are established.
Conclusions. As for economic majors of a regional university, mainly girls are the students, on contractual basis, living in an urban area, from families of workers, government employees or employers. The main motivating factors when choosing their economic education major are the advice of parents, senior students or friends, as well as information on official websites of regional universities.
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